Business Services
HB Group offers expertise in a range of HR Management areas. Our philosophy is to partner with you to drive business improvements through your team.

Comprehensive Human Resource Tools
Using your organisational specific competencies and values as our foundation, we customise our solutions by drawing on our HR Management experience and range of comprehensive human resource tools.
We can provide assistance with:
- Performance Management including 360 Degree Feedback
- Position Descriptions – Review and Development
- HR Advice, Recommendations & On-site Consulting
- Exit Interviews
- Workplace Diagnostics
- Skills Audits
- Independent Panel Attendance
- Company Surveys
Outplacement and Career Coaching
HB Group works with clients to provide a range of business solutions including outplacement and career counselling.
We offer a number of tailored packages ranging from an individual program to a whole of business downsizing program. We understand that redundancies can be a difficult process and are committed to handling them in a professional and cost-effective manner. We have the expertise to ensure that any issues are dealt with in a sensitive and confidential way.
Skills Testing
All administration candidates undertake skills testing in MS Word, MS Excel, Typing and Data Entry. This can be completed in our offices, or online prior to the interview. We also have access to online testing for: MYOB, Customer Service, Call Centre, Specialist IT packages and many more systems. Aptitude tests are also available upon request.
If you'd like to find out more about our Skills Testing services, please contact us.
Recruitment Support Services
Our Recruitment Support Services are tailored to help you streamline your workload, particularly during busy times. From assistance with shortlisting, resume selection and setting the selection criteria, we take the hassle out of recruitment. Our support team also provide scribing and minute taking services, along with copy typing and data entry.
Finance services such as Bookkeeping and Payroll enable our clients to focus their resources on the bigger picture. We also provide reporting and executive support to ensure you and the team are compliant.
Psychometric Testing
Psychological testing is a proven tool which can be used to understand a person’s behaviour and performance ability. HB utilise a number of psychometric testing tools.
Genesys Psychometrics & Workplace Psychology has a large range of psychometric assessments including Personality, Values, Interests and Ability Measures. HB staff are Accredited Genesys Assessors so you can be certain your candidates are assessed in accordance with best practice.
We also use profiling tools such as DISC Profiling, to help improve teamwork, communication and productivity in the workplace.